by Jessica Goodpaster | Aug 23, 2018 | Adoption Stories, China Adoption, Parenting
Hi, friends! This post is part two of my reflection What to Expect in the First Year After International Adoption. If you haven’t already, you’ll want to read part 1 here. After you’re finished, pick up where we left off below: Food and Drink Though L was 18 months...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Aug 15, 2018 | Adoption Stories, China Adoption, Parenting
One year ago, my husband, son, and I were ushered into a plain room in the equivalent of a Chinese DMV office for a meeting that would forever change all our lives. Along with another family on the same journey as us and our English-speaking guide, we met our daughter...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Aug 8, 2017 | China Adoption
I am writing this post on a bed in a five-star Marriott hotel with my brand-new daughter asleep on me. It is completely surreal. Today, L Goodpaster was legally adopted as a member of our family. Read about more our adoption match here. China Adoption Gotcha Day...
by Jessica Goodpaster | May 8, 2017 | China Adoption
Our adoption process just took a huge step forward. We’ve been matched with a baby girl from China! After 14 months of waiting, we received the phone call on May 3 telling us a beautiful 15-month-old girl is waiting for us in southern China! It is completely surreal...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Dec 17, 2016 | China Adoption, The Good Life
When applying for the Lifesong for Orphans grant, we were required to prepare an adoption testimony. While I knew God directed us on this path to expand our family, it wasn’t until our adoption story was put to paper that I saw all the ways he worked together to lead...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Nov 6, 2016 | China Adoption
Our dossier (official paperwork that we worked on for months demonstrating that we are fit to adopt) has officially arrived in China! We have a log in date (LID) of October 18, 2016. This means we are now able to be matched with a child. There have been tons of things...