by Jessica Goodpaster | Aug 18, 2020 | Adoption Fundraising
A few days ago, my kids were giggling together in the living room as I cleaned up breakfast. My two-year-old daughter came toddling into the kitchen signing “help” and pointing at my son. At almost six years old, my son could easily manipulate the fastener on the cape...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Aug 7, 2020 | Adoption, China Adoption, Parenting
It has been three years since we first met our daughter in a nondescript municipal building in China. While anniversaries like this bring adoption to the forefront of my mind, most days I don’t think about the different ways my kids arrived in our family. I pray for,...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Jul 7, 2020 | Adoption, Parenting, The Good Life
Do you journal? Or maybe you have intentions of journaling that never come to fruition? (Guilty as charged over here!) The folks at Promptly Journals make it easy to put words on the page with their beautiful and thoughtfully made guided journals. I recently got to...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Jun 29, 2020 | Adoption, Adoption Fundraising
Helping families make adoption affordable is a passion of mine. That’s why I’m excited to share information about applying for adoption grants from! I recently spoke with Becky Fawcett, founder and president, about tips and tricks for applying for...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Apr 30, 2020 | Adoption, Adoption Stories, Parenting
When we adopted our daughter from China in August 2017, our family chose to keep her world as small as possible in the first weeks after arriving home. This meant limiting trips out of the house, keeping visitors to a minimum, and spending lots of time with just our...
by Jessica Goodpaster | Mar 3, 2020 | Adoption, Adoption Fundraising
If you are looking for ways to raise money for your adoption in the spring, an Egg Your Yard fundraiser is perfect for Easter! The basic premise is that you fill plastic Easter eggs with candy or treats and distribute them over the lawns of your customers in time for...