Helping families make adoption affordable is a passion of mine. That’s why I’m excited to share information about applying for adoption grants from! I recently spoke with Becky Fawcett, founder and president, about tips and tricks for applying for financial assistance from her organization. I’ve shared what I learned from our interview below.

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Since its inception in 2007, has awarded 372 adoption grants totaling over $3.3 million. That is life-changing money for those kids and families!
I asked Becky why she thinks grants are important and she said, “Generally speaking people can’t afford adoption at an average of $40,000. And if people can’t afford to adopt what does it mean for these children who need homes? Think about it–the answer isn’t a good one.”
“We started because there was a need for an inclusive, non-religiously affiliated, no fee, adoption grant program that awarded large problem-solving grants up to $15,000. Being inclusive to all families and all religions was really important to us,” Becky said. is somewhat unique in that regard. When my family was funding our adoption, I noticed that the majority of adoption grants were affiliated with Christian organizations. That wasn’t an issue for us but could be a limiting factor for some people.
Tips for Completing a Grant Application
Families with a completed home study can find the application and instructions online. provides grants for domestic, international, and foster care adoptions. Funds can’t be used for travel and grant payments must be made to a licensed adoption agency or attorney. Grants are awarded four times per year.
Becky gave me a few tips that everyone should do on their applications. “Fill it out completely (you’d be surprised), tell your story in the personal statement (you’d be surprised), and explain any financial nuances in detail. If we ask you for something it’s because we want to know,” she said.
She told me that not completing the application and having more than enough money to pay for the adoption outright both disqualify the applicant. Becky said, “It’s the difference between not wanting to write the check and not being able to write the check.” gets lots of requests, so I asked her to give some insight on how to set yourself apart. “So many of them stand out—our applicants are amazing—but if [the application is] complete, shows financial need, has a strong personal statement, and shows a family that is making every effort possible to do this on their own—that’s what we’re looking for,” she advised.
Receiving Adoption Grants from
As with all adoption grants, applying does not guarantee your family will be awarded a grant. I asked what portion of applicants receive financial assistance. “It’s a small percentage because we award larger grants than most organizations. Our goal is to be a ‘finish line’ grant that closes the financial gap and allows the family to complete the adoption and bring their child home,” she said.
Even if your chances might not be high, grants are worth a try. In 2019, they awarded 65 grants averaging $9,500. What a relief to those recipients!
There is not an income cap for applying, but you must demonstrate a financial need. Families with other children may apply, but preference is given to those without kids and who have failed or disrupted adoption placements in the past. Applicants are not eligible if the adoption has already been finalized.
Full eligibility and frequently asked questions are available on their website.
Funding Your Adoption
Grants like those from are crucial to helping bring kids home. But most families need multiple sources to afford adoption. My goal is to provide you with ways to do just that, even if you don’t have a lot of disposable income. Don’t forget to get my 101 Adoption Fundraising Ideas and to check out my post on how we raised more than $35,000 for our China adoption without debt.
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Need creative ideas to fund for your adoption? My free list of 101 Adoption Fundraising Ideas has something for everyone! From unique ideas to events to virtual fundraisers, you'll find the perfect fit for your family.

This is such great information, thank you for sharing!