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101 Adoption Fundraising Ideas

Find a way to raise money for your adoption no matter your personality, network, or skill set with this list of fundraisers. Click here for this free list of ideas!

50 Simple Ways to Save Money

There are big and small ways to get your budget under control. Learn great saving tips with this free list of money-saving ideas.

52 Date Ideas

Spice up your love life with these fun and creative date ideas. Get a free year of dates here!

Back to School Printable Sign

Get a free printable first day of school sign that you can customize for your child. Click here for download information. 

Mickey and Minnie Party Printables

Printables for your Mickey or Minnie Mouse parties! Get customizable food tents and Minnie Mouse bows here.

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I blog about parenting, adoption, relationships, saving money, funding an adoption, faith, and the good stuff in life. Check out some of my posts below!

Boy in Superman cape on ledge, adoption fundraiser

How to Run a Successful Superhero Cape Adoption Fundraiser

A few days ago, my kids were giggling together in the living room as I cleaned up breakfast. My two-year-old daughter came toddling into the kitchen signing “help” and pointing at my son. At almost six years old, my son could easily manipulate the fastener on the cape...
leggings life

I’ll Admit When I’m Wrong: Leggings ARE Pants

I remember back to the days where the big debate on social media was whether leggings were pants. Those were the days! I’ll admit I was firmly in the “leggings are NOT pants” category at the beginning. You should wear them if working out or under a tunic or dress, I...
Girl in panda shirt, China adoption,

What to Expect in the First Year After International Adoption – Part 2

Jump into part two of this one-year post-adoption post! Though L was 18 months old when we met her, the orphanage primarily fed her formula from a bottle. They would…

15 Questions to Ask a Church Before Joining

15 Good Questions to Ask a Church Before Joining

Unfortunately, church attendance in the US has been on the decline for several years. As a lifelong Christian and someone who loves God’s Church deeply, this makes me sad. But I also understand how easy it is to become disappointed and disillusioned with stereotypes...
Why I Know God Turns Thing to Good - An Adoption Story

How I Know God Works Things for Good – An Adoption Story

When applying for the Lifesong for Orphans grant, we were required to prepare an adoption testimony. While I knew God directed us on this path to expand our family, it wasn’t until our adoption story was put to paper that I saw all the ways he worked together to lead...
China girl adoption, "Worth the Wait" shirt

What to Expect in the First Year After International Adoption – Part 1

One year ago, my husband, son, and I were ushered into a plain room in the equivalent of a Chinese DMV office for a meeting that would forever change all our lives. Along with another family on the same journey as us and our English-speaking guide, we met our daughter...
Hallmark at Dollar Tree

Celebrate 1 Year of Hallmark Greeting Cards at Dollar Tree!

While I love the thoughtfulness of perfect greeting cards, I struggle paying five or six dollars for one. Thanks to Dollar Tree and Hallmark, I don’t have to.   I was compensated for this post. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if...
The Best Fitness App for Moms - A Gixo Review

The Best Fitness App for Moms: A Gixo Review

Exercising consistently has always been a struggle for me. I had a gym membership once but found all the equipment and actual fit people a little intimidating. Plus, it was expensive!

Blue Light Filtering Glasses

How to Protect Your Eyes with Blue Light Filtering Glasses

Many of my long-time readers know how much I love Warby Parker as a great way to save money on prescription glasses. But did you also know they can improve your work-from-home experience with their blue-light-filtering lenses? Read on to find out more.Pin me!Note: I...
Veggie Dishes Kids Will Love

Vegetable Dishes Kids Will Love!

Kids and vegetables are not always the best of friends, so mealtimes can sometimes end up being a bit of a struggle. Finding new or alternative ways to encourage kids to eat them can really help. From getting them involved in food prep…

The Easy Way to Save $500 on Hotels and Resorts
The Easy Way to Save $500 on Hotels and Resorts
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